PHNOM PENH Defense Minister Tea Banh said yesterday that on Tuesday, the technical team of the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons The United Nations (OPCW) has arrived in Phnom Penh to work with local national chemical weapons authorities to investigate the search. On the chemical bombs Fall on some areas in Mondulkiri provincial Khmom and the Vietnam War in the 1970s.
The technical team of the United Nations Chemical Weapons Organization has arrived in Cambodia this time after the Royal Government of Cambodia The official letter asks the organization to send a chemical weapons chemical team to inspect and jointly remove chemical explosives. Found in Mondulkiri Province, Tboui Province Bees and Province.
Tea Banh told reporters at the opening ceremony of the National Plan of Action for Chemical and Biogeochemical Nuclear Radiation, which was held on Monday morning. At the Phnom Penh Hotel: “OPCW has sent people to Cambodia and that they will start researching and solving problems Chemical bombs on day (Today) in Mondulkiri and that it is a success The first step Cambodia has taken this organization is attention Put in the research, while the US ignored and did not think of Cambodia’s harm as only the chemicals that Cambodia Detects are specific identities produced and used Fall in wartime from the US military.
“We have an interest in this organization and have come to think and helped find a way to do it,” Tea Banh said. Neutralize or solve the problem that has taken place in our Kingdom of Cambodia. We plan to go to Mondulkiri, Tbong Khmum and Svay Rieng provinces, and Svay Rieng is the hottest place we have found. We will go down to cooperate in that place and it will follow the actual situation that will be going on and we will have to Our team accompanies us and works together. “
However, Tea Banh reiterated that the United States was not thinking of helping to solve the bombing problem. But continues to force Cambodia to pay its debt and has recently imposed visa sanctions on Cambodia That has violated human rights and that has undermined democracy When Cambodia only works to strengthen the peace and democracy, the Cambodian government remains calm after the United States Level.
“If we speak too much, they can accuse us of any ill intentions to the United States,” he said America, and what we’ve said in the past, it could be as profitable as we said dropping Bombs come on us and still force us to pay the next debt. And not only then, there are new limitation (visas) we have seen and sanctions, so if If we say too much, no matter what we know, we know. So we are giving our minded friends, especially those who love peace and justice, to help those who are affected. In the past. “
“They accuse me of accuse me of violating human rights and to downplay democracy,” he said Endlessly or at the cost of death or disrespect for human rights but of course, we can not do it at all, but we do everything This is what we do to strengthen the peace and democracy. “
“The main purpose of the Royal Government is to work hard to attract friends, friends and colleagues,” he said Be willing to help solve the problem. “
When asked about US involvement in the investigation, CMAC Chief Executive Heng Ratana said: “There are Some discussion. We will continue our bilateral cooperation. “