H.E. General PHORN NARA, Ph.D., Secretary General and Major General OEUR CHANNA, Deputy Secretary General of the National Authority for the Prohibition of Chemical, Nuclear, Biological and Radiological Weapons (NACW) of the Kingdom of Cambodia were attended the Twenty-First Annual Meeting of National Authorities was held in The Hague, the Netherlands from 5-7 November 2019, which had National Authorities (NAs) from 110 Member States of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) with more than 160 attendees met to discuss the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The Meeting also provided opportunity to review the impact of the OPCW’s implementation support and capacity building activities. They were also briefed on recent developments under Articles VI, VII, X and XI of the Convention. At break-out sessions, National Authorities representatives from five regional groups had the opportunity to meet their counterparts discussing and identified the needs and mechanisms which address their current and future challenges. National experiences and good practices related to national CWC implementation were shared with the larger group, with focus on knowledge management of capacity building support, stakeholder engagement and outreach. In addition to sharing good practices, National Authorities also held bilateral consultations with OPCW officials about the ongoing challenges to CWC implementation and optimal ways of overcoming them.
#The Hague, the Netherlands@NACWNEWS