
NCT Asia International Conference 2019

His Excellency General PHORN Nara,Ph.D Secretary General of the National Authority for the Prohibition of Chemical, Nuclear, Biological and Radiological Weapons-NACW led the NACW delegation to attend the NCT Asia 2019 International Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 22-24, 2019.

H.E General PHORN Nara,Ph.D also presented a speech on the Chemical UXOs in Cambodia. The conference was organized by NCT   institution which was participated  by international guests, such as Cambodia, Korea, Malaysia, USA, European Union and many international companies.

 During the conference, H.E General PHORN Nara,Ph.D also held bilateral talks with some dialogue partners of Cambodia, and he and the delegation also participated in the exhibitions of related equipment, chemical weapons, Detective eguipment ,CBRN (Biology, Chemistry and Radiation) by international companies expertised in CBRN from U.S.A, EU and Malaysia.

# Malaysia @NCT Asia 2019