
May 20 is National Remembrance Day!

Today is the National Day of Remembrance, May 20, the day that every Cambodian will never forget in the Democratic Kampuchea regime, or the so-called Pol Pot genocidal regime (April 17, 1975 – January 6, 1979), which was a great day. Cruel and dark. This day commemorates the souls of more than 3 million victims who died during the genocidal regime of Pol Pot.

The vast majority of Cambodians are aware of and understand the tragic stories of the Cambodian people through nearly three decades of war, war and tears, massacres, vandalism, forced evictions, and forced evictions. Forced to work like an animal. Not only that, Cambodians have to die without medicine, without enough food, without freedom, without democracy, and not even the right to life, which is a fundamental human right.
In order not to let this regime return, join in maintaining peace, because peace provides all the opportunities to build society, family, community and nation to grow further.