Friday morning 8 November 2014, 30 November 2018
His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni has a village of National Religious King, Khemara Khemara, Puthisarath, Prince of Khemara, Samoroth, Kampuchea, Crown Prince, Sopheak Mongkul, Sereypheak Khemara, Serei Serey, King of the Royal Territory.
He vowed to step up the rank of Major General Phorn Nara, ID 000078, General of the General Staff of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) and the appointment of General Phorn Nara ID 000078 as Secretary-General of the National Authority for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons, Nuclear, Biological and Radiation Presided over by Samdech Techo Venerable Senacheert, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense.