National News

National News

OPCW completes US bomb investigation

Phnom Penh Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) this weekend wrapped up its investigation into Chemicals left after the America...

National News

UN chemical weapons experts arrive at Cambodia on request

PHNOM PENH Defense Minister Tea Banh said yesterday that on Tuesday, the technical team of the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons The Un...

National News

The 12-man US bombardment expert

Parish outs  technician 1 team from the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the UN begins inspection of 12 US bombs in the province Mond...

National News

Cambodia will hand off chemical bombs on its own if the US does not pick up the request

Phnom Penh / Svay Rieng  CMAC and the National Chemical Weapons National Authority are scheduled to begin operations in two provinces in Svay Rieng pr...

National News

His Excellency General Phorn Nara presides over the signing ceremony of the Transfer Department

On the afternoon of Monday, December 25, 2018, General Phorn Nara, General Secretary of the National Authority for the Prevention of Bioaccumulation o...