
Cambodia will hand off chemical bombs on its own if the US does not pick up the request

Phnom Penh / Svay Rieng  CMAC and the National Chemical Weapons National Authority are scheduled to begin operations in two provinces in Svay Rieng province next week. Prime Minister Hun Sen did not expect the United States to come up with its bombed bombs with Vietnam That’s fine .

One day after announcing the US government removing the bombs that the superpower dropped in Svay Rieng, Mr. Hun Sen Told a graduation ceremony yesterday that he did not expect the United States to follow his request. Therefore, Cambodia will solve the problem by itself using the special national budget through CMAC and the National Chemical Weapons Authority Under the Ministry of National Defense.

“I said to ask the US to come, but wait,” he said. Sleep until the dead, the United States has not yet come to take it. So, we have to solve this issue through the National Arbitration Commission [National Abolition Authority]. “

Both bombs were discovered by the CMAC in early January 2017 near the pagoda and at the campus campus in the commune. Korki Romeas Hek District, Svay Rieng Province. In digging both of the two CSs, it is necessary to evacuate the local population and students have to stop the study.

“I pointed to the government’s special budget … chemical weapons, which was a deadly weapon,” Hun Sen said. Dangerous, the chemical weapon is the US accuses Saddam Hussein and leads the army to overthrow Saddam Hussein, allegedly armed Destroy him. “

“Anyway, it’s our problem,” he said. Chemical weapons experts suggest that if you want to do before the child enters because the location near the school … but even if the kid Entry must also be evacuated. This is the result of the past wars left behind, “he said.

CMA Director General Heng Ratana said that CMAC and the National Chemical Weapons Authority will work together to remove the bombs. But the seeds contain dangerous chemicals.

He said that on Friday, the team will conduct an assessment of the operational situation, and on Monday, the operation of the bombing That will start.

He also said that the action of the bomb was not done after the discovery was due to the impact To student learning.

“If it does take 10-20 days to get the students to go to school,” Ratana says. The technical problem is we can do but the problem is that students are learning. We can not conclude how long it takes. “

Kadh, deputy secretary-general of the General Secretariat of the National Defense Chemicals Protection Authority of the Ministry of National Defense, said the team was ready. All right. However, he did not know how to do it, how long it will take.

“It’s not a day,” Kadha said. It is not digested, and we do not have an excavator. I can not conclude. It is based on geographical location. ” He added that it was linked to chemical weapons, which is a secret, so he could not comment on the details .

According to Facebook, Heng Ratana, Director General of CMAC, said that the international conventions were 24 articles and three affiliated organizations. One of the divisions of the Monitoring and Implementation of the Convention, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Dutch.

The Convention entered into force on April 29, 1997, with 192 States Parties equal to 98% of all states in the world. And 165 states have become signatories, including Cambodia and the United States, which is a party to the state and a signatory state. Both the United States and Cambodia are members of state-mandated treaty concessions, particularly the chemical CS.

The National Chemical Weapons Authority and CMAC have cooperated with the concessional agency, the OPCW, to evaluate and determine that the CS is a compatible chemical weapon As defined by the Convention.